Monorailex 2024
A Forum for Ideas
Call for Papers
To all Monorail Lovers, Advocates, and to whom it may concern,
We encourage and invite professionals across the world to submit paper proposals for the Monorailex 2024 Conference, scheduled to be held in Neumarkt, Germany on September 20 through 22, 2024 with kind support of Max Bögl followed by a visit to InnoTrans in Berlin.
Monorailex is the annual conference of the International Monorail Association with its goal to provide a platform to present new research and development of monorail systems and operational findings. This platform targets towards experts involved in transportation planning in communities and metropolitan regions, in the industry as monorail system suppliers, the supply and service industries for vehicles and infrastructure, researchers and operators for mass transportation for an exchange.
The International Monorail Association also welcomes researchers to submit their original articles, which can be of academic or of practical value, to be published for the first time. We seek contributions that illustrate the different transportation systems, and ways to enhance their efficiency and showcase opportunities for empowering citizens in finding solutions in mass transportation.
Monorailex 2024 Theme
On Track to Progress –
Monorail Integration in Public Transport
Guide for authors
Possible topics could include:
- Planning of Transport Systems and Monorail Integration
- Case Studies and Best Practices
- Transit System Risk Evaluation and Safety
- Monorail Technology Advancements
- Life Cycle Costs
Language: English
Abstract (Call for Papers)
Detailed abstract with max. 250 words and author details (please use the official form sheet).
The author(s) shall indicate their full personal contact details and include a brief biography (max. 250 words) and photo, as well as a short company/organization description (max. 250 words) and a company logo.
If there are multiple authors, please clearly indicate who the speaker at the conference will be. We need this information for the program.
Authors will be informed by e-mail from mid of May whether their paper has been accepted for the conference and will be included in the program.
Presentation and Full Paper
Presentation file in PowerPoint and/or PDF. You may use your corporate design.
Full paper document file, single spaced in Times New Roman 12 point for the proceedings (published after event).
Hand in by e-mail: September 06, 2024
Presentation at the Conference
20 minutes will be allowed for the presentation of the paper at the conference; with 5-10 min for follow up discussions. The full manuscripts should be emailed to the IMA Office (info@monorailex.org) by the deadline indicated below.
Important Dates
Abstract Deadline: April 19, 2024
Full and Final Version: September 6, 2024
For any enquiries regarding the program, please contact: info@monorailex.org
We look forward to seeing you at Monorailex 2024!
Please follow this website for continuous updates.
Marko Kroenke
Maxim Weidner
Copyright disclaimer. By submitting the paper and/or presentation, the author/s agree that the International Monorail Association may publish the author’s/authors’ work as part of the Proceedings and make it available to participants of the conference and other stakeholders.
Privacy disclaimer. The International Monorail Association (IMA) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by IMA, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. IMA may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used, or contracted by IMA, including but not limited to brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.
The Way to Monorailex 2024
Important Dates
Feb 9 | Call for Paper opens |
Apr 19 | Abstract Submissions Deadline |
May 10 | Paper Evaluation Deadline |
May 17 | Paper Confirmation |
Jun 3 | Registration Opens, Final Program Published |
Jul 19 | Early Bird Registration ends |
Aug 30 | Standard Registration closes |
Sep 6 | Final Documents Submission |
Sep 20 | Conference Begins |
Mission Statement
The mission of the International Monorail Association is to organize the global monorail sector, promote the application of monorail, publish information, and initiate and support standardization processes of monorail for public mass transport infrastructure.
Why Monorail?
Monorails today are an accepted alternative system for public transport. They are cost-efficient to build, safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly.

World Market Study on Monorail Systems

With a market volume of more than 2 billion Euro p.a., the monorail market segment is a comparatively small, but dynamically growing segment in the transportation business.This is the outcome of a market study which has been composed by SCI Verkehr for the International Monorail Association. Learn more about the current market with an outlook on the mid-term and long-term future of monorails as a public transport system. www.sci.de